Maths Quest is collaborative, non-competitive and interactive problem solving program for Years 1 and 2. It is a mixed-ability program designed for whole class participation. Classes explore problem solving concepts together using a variety of learning tools.
It comprises two modules per year, to be completed over Term 2 and Term 3, with each module focussing on a particular problem solving strategy.
There are videos for teachers to watch before starting each module, outlining the problem solving topic and detailing the learning steps they will guide their students through. The program includes video animations for students to watch, digital activities for them to explore and a wide range of task cards to solve. Maths Quest also supports and encourages students to design their own puzzles for their peers to solve.
Please explore below to learn more about the program and to download example resources.
Sample Concept Video for Teachers
Click on the image to watch a sample concept video that looks at the problem solving strategy of finding all possibilities. This video is intended for teachers to watch in preparation for teaching the module, not to be shown to students.
Sample Activity Guide Video for Teachers
Maths Quest includes several digital activities for students to explore. Here is a sample video created for teachers, demonstrating the features of the tool.
Sample Challenges
Here are some sample challenges for students to complete using APSMO’s Ice Cream Maker, the digital activity included below.
Students can solve the challenges with either three, four or five ice cream flavours. We encourage students to work with a partner. If they create an ice cream that doesn’t fit the criteria or is a duplicate of one they have already created, it will light up with a purple boarder.
Sample Digital Activity – APSMO’s Ice Cream Maker
Click on the image to launch APSMO’s Ice Cream Maker. It is a digital activity that can be set to Explore Mode, where uses and create any ice cream orders they like, and three Challenge Modes, where uses must create ice creams combinations that fit the challenge.
To adjust the complexity of the challenge, uses can solve the challenges with three, four or five different ice cream flavours. Buttons for this are in the blue area. Click here for a QR Code for your students to scan if you’d like them to explore this activity on laptops or tablets.
Sample Task Cards
Here are some sample task cards, this time using a set of dominoes to find all possibilities. They include some more challenging task cards to give to capable problem solvers.
Task Card 7 is designed to let students create their own challenges for a peer to solve. Click here for the answers.
Each module concludes with a Class Challenge. Students work together to solve the problems. Each class challenge contains tasks that range in complexity, allowing teachers to assign different tasks to the appropriate students.
We hope you enjoy our sample of Maths Quest. For further information about Maths Quest, visit our Maths Quest Program Page or download our Primary School Program guide.