APSMO Board Members and Staff

Warren Poole
BTeach, BA BEd, Grad DipAdmin, MA, FPPA, JP
President of APSMO Board
Warren started his teaching career as a primary teacher moving on to become Principal of three schools. His educational experience spans over 40 years and includes both city and country schools and an International Fellowship to explore alternate models of school leadership.
Warren is also an active member of community groups having been involved in sporting clubs, Surf Life Saving and is a former President of Warringah Rugby Club.
He is currently employed at the University of Technology Sydney in the School of Education, lecturing in mathematics education and leading projects for the initial teacher education professional experience program.

Anne Prescott
BA, BSc, MSc, MEd, PhD
Board Member
Anne started teaching as a secondary mathematics teacher and was previously an Associate Professor in mathematics education at University of Technology Sydney. She coordinated the Master of Teaching course and the mathematics education subjects for both primary and secondary pre-service teachers.
Anne is a member of the Mathematics Association of NSW and for 8 years was on the MANSW Executive. She also edits Reflections, the Association Journal. For the last 11 years she has provided professional development to primary teachers in Gorkha, a remote rural area of Nepal. Anne is also a member of the Rotary Club of Wahroonga.

Bob Howe OAM
Board Member
Bob has retired from his role as a management consultant where he worked primarily in the areas of strategic planning and organisation. He has a Masters Degree in Business Administration, an Economics degree and is a qualified Accountant (FCPA). As the founder and Director of a consulting firm, Bob had provided strategic advice to many businesses across a wide range of industries including APSMO.
Bob is/was also a very active member of a number of community groups, such as Rotary, the Bush School Learn-to-Swim, Wahroonga Soccer and MND NSW. He was recently awarded an OAM for his services to these organisations.

Liz Giblett
MMgt (Marketing)
Executive Director and Board Member
Liz is a marketing and business planning professional with over 25 years of experience and a strong interest in the education sector, having worked as a Director with Macquarie Graduate School of Management (MGSM), one of Australia’s leading business schools.
Liz has served on the Board of APSMO for a number of years and is also our Executive Director. Since joining APSMO, Liz has been instrumental in driving the development of a range of new programs and professional learning opportunities, broadening our offerings and making problem solving more accessible to all students.
Throughout her career Liz has worked closely with professional service and not-for-profit organisations to develop effective marketing strategies for both individuals and the business. She regularly presents at conferences and seminars on a range of topics, and is also the founder and director of her own consulting firm, Strategic Marketing Matters.

Pauline Kohlhoff
BSc, MSc, BTeach, PhD
Board Member
Pauline was a computer software engineer before retraining to become a secondary mathematics teacher. Until 2018, she held the position of Senior Mathematics Development Manager at APSMO, being responsible for the management and delivery of APSMO’s Professional Learning programs for teachers, and the development of the Maths Olympiad and Maths Games papers and teaching resources.
She is currently Mathematics Subject Co-ordinator at the University of Technology Sydney, and teaches mathematics education subjects for both primary and secondary pre-service teachers. Her research interests include innovative ways to assess students’ mathematical learning, and secondary mathematics teachers’ professional development.