Professional Learning Courses
Working Mathematically with APSMO – Reasoning
One Day Workshop – Years 3 - 6 (Stage 2 and Stage 3 combined)
- 5 hours course work
- Features activities, problems, and teaching techniques specifically designed for Years 3 - 6 classrooms
Course Overview
A significant aspect of children’s mathematical understanding relies on grasping its essential logic. This logical reasoning serves as a foundation for mathematical learning, beginning in early primary school, where a child’s logical competence strongly correlates with their mathematical success. Teaching logical competence provides lasting benefits in children’s learning, exceeding the impact of practicing number representation and computational skills.
These Working Mathematically with APSMO workshops will focus on the core competency of logical reasoning, providing an overview of the relevant research and pedagogy, before exploring specific stage-related tools, problems and activities aimed at enhancing students’ understanding.
During this practical and engaging workshop, teachers will:
- Examine key research that provides recent insights into the nature and significance of
mathematical reasoning.
- Investigate teaching and learning techniques designed to encourage and assist students in constructing arguments and supporting reasoning.
- Engage with a variety of challenging and stimulating mathematical problems that necessitate the application of mathematical reasoning.
- Design a lesson for their class that combines challenging content with innovative teaching techniques.
Completing “Working Mathematically with APSMO – Reasoning” will contribute 5 hours of NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) Accredited PD in the priority area of delivery and assessment of NSW curriculum/EYLF addressing standard descriptor 3.2.2 from the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers towards maintaining Proficient Teacher Accreditation in NSW.
Course Presenter
Nerida McCredie (PhD)

Nerida McCredie (PhD) is an educational adviser, researcher, trainer and keynote presenter. She provides professional learning workshops for teachers and project-based consulting for schools.
Nerida works with both primary and secondary schools. She takes recent insights from research and shapes them into innovative activities and programs that are relevant and practical for everyday classrooms. Throughout her 15 years of classroom teaching, Nerida has been widely recognised for her work in digital learning and awarded for her innovative classroom practice.
She is highly regarded for her dedication in working with students, teachers and principals to explore and create innovative ways to use technology for effective and lasting learning outcomes.
Nerida has won several awards, including the NSW Minister for Education and Training and Australian College of Educators NSW Quality Teaching Award, the NSW Australian Academy of Science Teacher Award. She received a high commendation in the Prime Minister’s Prize for Excellence in Science Teaching.
Upcoming Courses
Years 3 – 6
Monday, 24 February 2025
9:00am – 3:00pm
The Epping Club, Epping NSW
APSMO Schools: $330
Non-APSMO Schools: $400
Tuesday, 11 March 2025
9:00am – 3:00pm
City of Melbourne Bowls Club, Melbourne VIC
APSMO Schools: $330
Non-APSMO Schools: $400
All fees include GST
APSMO professional learning workshops will return in 2025.
Dates and venues TBC.
Workshops will commence in Term 1, 2024
Dates and venues TBC