Maths Quest Years 1 & 2
Maths Quest is the most recent addition to the APSMO Pathway of Achievement. It is suitable for all students in Years 1 and 2. Unlike the other programs, students do not sit a “paper”. The program is lesson based and uses task cards, digital learning tools and classroom materials to help students understand mathematical concepts and problem solving strategies.
No. Maths Quest is designed for all skill levels and abilities.
Students do not need to prepare for the program. The program is designed to suit all levels of ability and teachers can adapt the learning activities for each class.
Maths Quest is non-competitive. All students who complete the 2 modules will receive a Certificate of Achievement.
The fee structure for Maths Quest differs from the other APSMO programs. There is a class teacher log-in/subscription fee that provides access to the teaching and learning material through an APSMO learning portal.
Tiered discounts are available for multiple users to accommodate whole Stage participation:
No of subscriptions*
Cost per class**
Cost per student***
1 class login
2 classes
3-5 classes
6-10 classes
More than 10 classes
Less than $4
*One subscription provides access for one teacher to login and conduct the program with their whole class
**Cost excludes GST
***Based on an average of 25 students per class
In 2024, the two modules will focus on the strategies Logical Reasoning and Using Diagrams.
These modules are different to the 2023 program which covered Exploring Patterns and Finding All Possibilities. Students do not have to complete the units in order and can participate in 2024 without having completed the 2023 program.
We recommend running two 30-minute lessons per week with your class. This should give enough time to complete the tasks and activities included in the program.
Upon registering a class for the program, teachers will be provided with their own unique log-in details for an APSMO Maths Quest portal. When the program starts in Term 2, teachers will be able to access instructional videos to help them run the program, lesson guides, a variety of digital learning tools, learning station activities, and task cards from inside the Maths Quest Portal.
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Don't miss out...
Registrations open February 2024!



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