Maths Olympiad Years 5-6
Junior Division
Schools that enter teams in the Junior Maths Olympiad are provided with a Preparation Kit in Term 1 which can be used in preparation sessions before the start of the competition. It includes a practice paper for your students, along with detailed solutions for teachers to refer to. There is also a video demonstrating strategies and solutions, task cards and problems for your students to solve. Teachers can also access the previous year’s papers via the Member’s Area of the APSMO website.
It is recommended that students are given an opportunity to practice and improve their problem solving skills in the lead up to each Olympiad paper. To assist teachers with this, fully worked solutions are provided for all Contest papers, including video examples of various strategies that showcase students’ solutions, and Follow-Up Activity Sheets are provided that build upon the problems in each paper to help reinforce learning and extend students further.
A range of additional resources are also available from the APSMO resource centre.
The Maths Olympiad is an ideal format for high achieving students to work in a competitive environment with challenging questions to hone their skills.
The Maths Games for Years 5 & 6 has been specifically designed to provide mainstream students in those years with an opportunity to learn and develop valuable maths problem solving skills.
The Maths Games is focused on encouraging students to challenge themselves and develop their own abilities whilst working with teachers and fellow students to enhance their skills in this area.
All registered students will receive a certificate.
Individual and Team Awards are also available. Further information on these awards can be found under the ‘Awards’ menu.
If a student transfers to another school that is participating in the Maths Olympiads, his/her results can be transferred to the new school’s team.
Written notification containing details of the student and both school’s teams must be provided to APSMO in order for the transfer to take place.
To ensure the integrity of the Maths Olympiad contests, APSMO has the following conditions:
1. Maths Olympiad contests must be conducted in examination conditions.
2. Maths Olympiad contest papers are not provided to schools until the week of the contest date and must only be opened in time for duplication prior to the contest sitting.
3. Students are not to have access to the Maths Olympiad questions, answers or solution methods prior to sitting the contest.
4. Teachers are prohibited from teaching to the upcoming Maths Olympiad questions. This includes intentionally providing preparation questions that are very similar to the actual questions.
5. APSMO reserves the right to re-examine students prior to determining the final Awards.
The standard cost to register a team of up to 30 students in the Maths Olympiad is $210 per team.
An Early Bird discount rate of $190 per team is available for registrations received before the end of the previous year.
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Results & Top Teams