Maths Olympiad Years 5-6
Junior Division
Maths Olympiad Years 5 & 6 - Awards
A number of Awards are given by APSMO at the end of each Olympiad year to recognise both the individual students’ performance and team achievement throughout the competition.
To be eligible for any awards, students must have results submitted for a minimum of four Olympiad papers.
Student Awards
- A Certificate of Achievement for all registered students.
- A medal for those students who obtain a perfect score.
- An award for the highest individual scorer in a team that has no perfect scorers. Multiple awards will be provided if students tie for the highest scoring position in a team.
- A metal pin for each student whose total score is in the top 10% of scores across the competition.
- A cloth patch for each student whose total score is in the top 25% of scores across the competition.
Team Awards
- A plaque for each team whose score is in the top 10% of scores across the competition.
- A large plaque for the Team/s of the Year.
Sample Awards
Achievement Certificate
Awarded to students who complete all 4 Olympiads
Details : A4 Certificate
Perfect Scorer Medal
Awarded to students who score 20/20 (100%) in the Olympiads
Details : Medal
Top 10% Achiever
Awarded to students who score in the top 10% of participant scores
Details : Metal Pin
Top 25% Achiever
Awarded to students who score in the top 25% of participant scores
Details : Woven Cloth Patch
Highest Individual Scorer Award
Awarded to the student(s) gaining the highest score in each Olympiad team.
Note: Not awarded to teams that have Perfect Scorers
Details : Medal
Special Achievement / Encouragement Award
One Encouragement Award Certificate will be provided to each team in the end of year awards package, which can be given at the teacher’s discretion.
For example, the teacher may choose to give the Certificate to a student who has shown an exceptional level of commitment and improvement in mathematical problem solving, but did not achieve a high Olympiad score.
Maximum of one (1) certificate per team.
Details : A4 Certificate
Outstanding Team Achievement Award
Awarded to teams who score in the top 10% of team scores.
Details : Plaque
Highest Team Score Award
Awarded to team with the highest overall score.
Details : Plaque



Results & Top Teams