Maths Explorer Years 3 & 4
Maths Explorer Years 3 & 4 - Awards
The Maths Explorer Awards differ from the Maths Olympiads as the students’ results are not compared to other participating schools.
All students who register for the Maths Explorer will receive a Certificate of Achievement.
Six special awards are also provided to each team for presentation to deserving students at the teacher’s discretion.
Awards are only available to participating students and there are no team-based awards.
Sample Awards
Achievement Certificate
Awarded to students who complete all 4 Maths Explorer contests
Details : A4 Certificate
Maths Star Award
These awards are presented to students at the discretion of the teacher for reasons such as:
- Increased enthusiasm for maths.
- Demonstration of overall improvement.
- Providing help to others.
Details : Cloth Patches. Six awards per team.



Results & Top Teams